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Tammy Buechle

Marshall, MI

Tammy Buechle, grew up in north central Indiana. She spent much of her childhood traveling to her family cabin in northern Michigan. There she learned to appreciate the beauty and heritage of her midwest surroundings which is strongly reflected in her art. In high school, Tammy loved to draw, but put her pencil down to pursue her career. She retired from barbering after eighteen years to raise her son. Looking for a fun way to exercise a friend introduced her to horse back ridings and to  pay for her new hobby she started a business designing and making internationally sold western show wear. The business was a success but she did not have a passion for it. Tammy started drawing again and with art she found her passion. She found a home for her artwork that same year at a gallery in Marshall and soon became a board member and working artist. Tammy  has been in constant demand for commissioned works and her artwork continues to sell at galleries. It gives her great satisfaction to know that her work is hanging in someone's home and business. 

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